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Productivity Tools



Dynamic Motor Optimiser

sphase.gif (20275 bytes) Leading edge technology – providing practical solutions to meet some of the demands of this decade.
Powerboss - the result of over a decade of research and continued development - is at the forefront of intelligent motor control and energy optimisation, offering a unique, energy savings opportunity.

Increased energy cost is undoubtedly one of the major problems facing industry today. Since almost every product is manufactured with the utilisation of motors – it is not surprising that the AC induction motor is the world’s single biggest consumer of energy. Collectively as a world resource, motors consume over $300 billion in energy each year! In reality, the cost of running motors is a significant cost element of every product we purchase.
Motors typically work at only 50/60% of rated capacity.


pump_stat.gif (26596 bytes) Wasted Energy

Typically, most AC induction motors are under full load for only limited periods, and at other times, huge amounts of energy is wasted as heat and vibration. Unfortunately motors have no way of intelligently adjusting the amount of electricity they draw in relation to the job of work they do.

In practical applications, many motors are working significantly below their design capacity resulting in high levels of inefficiency. It is clear, if you could intelligently monitor and reduce the power drawn by a motor to match its actual need under variable load conditions, you would open up an enormous energy savings opportunity.
Intelligent Energy Savings

Utilising a powerful micro computer, Powerboss provides a simple and effective solution to the problem by constantly monitoring the ‘efficiency’ of the motor and ensuring the input power to the motor is matched exactly to the load as it changes. Even the slightest variations in demand will be sensed and Powerboss will respond – supplying full power to the motor if required in 100th of a second. Motor speed is not adversely effected in any way.

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Powerboss will produce a more efficient, smoother and quieter motor with increased life and reduced maintenance costs. Power factor will be improved.
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Powerboss is suitable for a wide variety of applications. In some exceptional instances savings have been as high as 30-40%. However, results will vary depending on several factors, but even a much smaller saving of say 5-10% will still provide a 100% guaranteed return on investment. A blend of significantly reduced electricity costs and increased efficiency can provide a very attractive payback proposition – often within two years.
Soft start and soft stop is incorporated on all Powerboss Plus 3 phase, furthermore the utilisation of a remote interface allows for external auxiliary monitoring and control. For a full technical explanation and specification of the full range of Powerboss units please refer to the document;Powerboss… technically speaking, available from IPT.
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