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Technical specificationsproductivity enhancementsGemex in a nutshell

Productivity Tools
Gemex System in a nutshell
Gemex is based on 3 components:
  1. a "shifting" shelf on which the machine is mounted on (see technical sheet)
  2. two "mechanical-hydraulically" locking cylinders mounted on the shelf
  3. a manometer and a hand pump
Short description of  the advantages of the Gemex System:
  1. accessibility of the maintenance
  2. in 2 minutes, via the manometer, you can check belt tension and if needed you can adjust the tension by using the hydraulic pump. (today this intervention takes you 3 to 5 hours)
  3. in 10 minutes the belts are replaced by "shifting" the shelf  to its lowest position, so that you easily can undo the belts and replace them by new belts
  4. no alignment is needed due to the fact that the alignment is done once and for all at the moment of the installation of Gemex
  5. high productivity of the maintenance organisation due to the short intervention
  6. high productivity of the production due to the short "shut-downs"
  7. longer life cycle of the belts , pulleys and bearings
  8. high security for the technicians due to the fact that there is no tension on the belts during maintenance
  9. no special education is needed, everybody in the maintenance shop can do this job.
Energy Savings
  1. 5% to 8% energy savings due to Gemex: the only system in the world were you can align your machine without having the belt tensioned (once installed no alignment is needed in the future) …. All machines today are aligned with the belts tensioned, this creates minimum 1.6 degrees of misalignment, which creates unnecessary energy consumption!
  2. 3% to 5% of energy can be saved due to quick intervention when the belts start slipping: when slippage, a 2 minute intervention is needed to adjust the tension, no major stop is needed!
  3. most of the machines today are installed with a to strong tension, due to the fact  of the non-ease availability of the machine (3 to 5 hours are needed today!) this creates problems with your bearings, shorten the life cycle of your belts and pulleys!
Gemex and its cost justification
  1. Simple and safe for your maintenance organisation
  2. high availability for maintenance
  3. 5% to 8% energy savings
  4. 2 to 4 time lifecycle of belts and pulleys
  5. longer lifecycle of the bearings
  6. productivity enhancement of the maintenance organisation
  7. short shutdowns
  8. installable on existing installations
  9. preventive maintenance possible
  10. no special education is required for maintaining the tension of the belts and replacing belts
Couple of references

ABB Service, Agfa Gevaert, Akzo Nobel, ALZ Genk, Assidoman Packaging, Baxter, BASF,Bekaert, BP - Amoco Chemicals, Borealis - SPA, Burgo Ardennes, CBR, Cargill, Carmeuse, Cockerill Sambre, Celanese, Cockerill Chertal, Corus, Degussa Hüls, Duracell, DSM, Electrabel Centre Nucléaire de Tihange, Gyproc, Fabelta, Fina - Olefin, Ford, Ford Genk, Interbrew, Intermoselle, Metallo Chimique, Monsanto,  SmithKline Beecham, Socea, Volkwagen,VPK Oudegem Papier, Philips Lighting, Spanolux, Solvay, Union Minière, Procter & Gamble, Timac Potasco, Umformtechnik Erfurt, etc…

More than 2000 systems have been installed already…

IPT - Maintenance Partners
Vitshoekstraat, 6
B-2070 Zwijndrecht
tel:  32 3 800 55 85
fax: 32 3 800 55 86
gsm: 32 475 77 64 43
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